Criei este blog enquanto instrumento de aproximação às cidadãs e aos cidadãos. É um conceito simples que visa partilhar os percursos, o trabalho e a visão das coisas de uma mulher, cidadã, politicamente comprometida no exercício da sua primeira experiência parlamentar e conhecer as opiniões e sugestões de quem me contacta, por exemplo, as suas.

A José Nascimento e António Barbosa agradeço respectivamente, a fotografia e a música.

Intervenção Precoce no Alentejo - Prémio da OMS

O Conselho Executivo da Organização Mundial de Saúde OMS-WHO, na sua última reunião, decidiu atribuir ao Programa de Intervenção Precoce da Administração Regional de Saúde do Alentejo o United Arab Emirates Health Foundation Prize.

Na avaliação do painel é realçada a cooperação do Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade de Évora neste projecto e especificamente a investigação “ Avaliação do Impacto da Intervenção Precoce no Alentejo” (Franco, V. & Apolónio, A. (2008). Evaluation of Early Intervention Impact in Alentejo. Évora: ARS. .


Proposta do Painel


United Arab Emirates Health Foundation Prize – Report of the United Arab Emirates Health Foundation Selection Panel

The United Arab Emirates Health Foundation Prize is awarded to a person or persons, aninstitution or institutions, or a nongovernmental organization or organizations that have made an outstanding contribution to health development.

The United Arab Emirates Health Foundation Selection Panel met on 19 January 2010, under the chairmanship of Dr S. Zaramba (Uganda), Chairman of the Executive Board. Other Panel members present were Dr H. Abdesselem, member of the Executive Board for Tunisia, and Dr S. Al Darmaki, representing the Founder of the Prize.

The Panel reviewed the documentation, together with the Administrator’s technical comments on the candidatures. Bearing in mind the Statutes and guidelines governing the award of the Prize, the Panel unanimously decided to propose to the Executive Board that the United Arab Emirates Health Foundation Prize for 2010 should be awarded to both the National Center for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Genetics, Jordan, and the Early Childhood Intervention Programme, Regional Administration of Health of Alentejo, Portugal.


A brief description of the work carried out by the proposed laureates is given below for the consideration of the Executive Board.


The Early Childhood Intervention Programme is part of the implementation of the National

Health Plan in Alentejo, Portugal, which responds to the reorganization of the health system through grouping health-care centres. The aim of this reorganization is to integrate the different levels of care, thus increasing the response to users and diminishing the waiting list for first medical consultations.

Alentejo is the largest region in Portugal but has the lowest population density of the country at 20 inhabitants/km2. Although the country’s population is mainly settled in the capitals of the federal districts, there is still a large rural population, which is isolated geographically and socially.

The Intervention Programme has innovative features. As a principle children with developmental disorders can be assessed, their needs evaluated and responded to best when they are kept within the family structure; application of this principle means involvement of the community, the participation of all appropriate local resources and ensuring good communication between all concerned parties. A sound partnership between education institutions, health-care and welfare systems and social solidarity private institutions as well as collaboration with the population has ontributed to the success of the Programme. Some informal agreements are in place with educational colleges in Beja and Portalegre and with the Psychology Department of Evora University, which allow for research and training activities.

An evaluation of the programme, done in collaboration with the Psychology Department of Evora University, showed that all involved had benefited from this intervention. Health-care centre gained recognition, thus empowerment, among the population for their capacity for early detection and referral to specific rehabilitation programmes. Children and their families also gained rapid support and intervention and felt less isolated in their situation.


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